Upside Down Worlds
Look with new eyes and a fresh perspective to discover the amazing in the mundane; the extraordinary in the everyday.
Drawing with Your Non-Dominant Hand
Let go of expectation and try drawing with your non-dominant hand; a technique popular with art therapists.
Writing Your Senses
In just 5 minutes, reopen and return your focus to your immediate presence. To your sensory ‘being mode' rather than your ‘doing mode’.
Make A Leaf Mandala
Forage from natures finest materials and lose yourself in simple mandala making. Where process is more important than outcome.
Cut-Up Poetry
Cut-up poetry is the literary equivalent to collage and a technique favoured by artists, writers and songwriters such as David Bowie.
Facetime: Self-Portrait Collage
Let’s play! Inspired by collage artist, Hanoch Piven, create a self-portrait collage from found objects.
Organise Objects Neatly
A simple meditative exercise using found objects that you can do in a 10-minute screen break.