Cut-Up Poetry

One potent but straightforward creative mindfulness exercise is cut-up poetry. It's brilliant in its simplicity. Cup up poetry is one of my go-to techniques when I feel creatively stuck or just want to find my flow. I find the process of both cutting up words and rearranging them so thoroughly absorbing.

Cut-Up Poetry can ignite your imagination, and it was a favourite creative exercise favoured by songwriters including Kurt Cobain and one of my creative heroes David Bowie. So you're in good company if you decide to try this!


  • Anything with text on it: old books, newspapers, magazines, printouts, handwritten notes, recipes etc.

  • Scissors. A scalpel is helpful for thinner paper like a newspaper.

  • White glue or a glue stick.

  • Paper or cardboard.


  • Cut out words from your stack of magazines, old books, your journal or poems you've written etc.

  • Look for unusual combinations of words.

  • Enjoy the process of playing with text and language.

  • When you're ready, glue the words to paper or cardboard with white glue or a glue stick.

Top Tips

  • Cut out lots of linking words, e.g. in, and, because, on, an, a, etc. They are handy for structuring sentences.

  • Recipes are great for verbs and adverbs, e.g. cut, make, stir, fill, put etc. Slowly, fast, quickly, first, lastly etc.

  • Look for nouns/object words and don't forget the pronouns, e.g., her, his, it, theirs.

  • Read the text and let the words 'speak' to you. What words resonate. I like to let my intuition guide this part of the process and see what words want me to cut them out. Seriously, you'll get a fantastic insight into your subconscious mind.

My own example cut-up poem. A creative mindfulness exercise that I personally find utterly absorbing.

The Benefits of Poetry

As a vehicle of expression, poetry, in general, is a great way to explore feelings and memories buried in the subconscious and identify how they may relate to existing life circumstances. Poetry can:

  • Be used to express emotions that might otherwise be difficult to demonstrate verbally.

  • Encourage self-reflection, exploration, self-awareness and help adults and children make sense of their world.

  • Help individuals redefine current and past events in their lives by opening up new ways of perceiving reality.

  • Importantly, poetry speaks to people and helps them see that many of their experiences shared by other people too. (Source)

David Bowie | Cut up poetry

David Bowie Cut-Up Poetry

“What I’ve used it for, more than anything else, is igniting anything that might be in my imagination”

— David Bowie

Cut-up poetry is about expression, discovery and process. Not perfection.

I would love to see pictures of your creations. Email your images and thoughts to or tag me @georgiestclair on Instagram

Have an inspired day!

Georgie x


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Facetime: Self-Portrait Collage